Monday, January 26, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR photography is a method, where dynamic range is the ratio of light to dark in a photograph. Instead of just taking one photo, HDR photography uses several photos, taken at different exposures. After you have these photos, you combine all of the photos into one photo and it usually makes a photo with a great amount of exposure. It is used to make a photo with exposure that is not too high or too low. I really like using HDR photography because it doesn't put you in the position of having to pic which one of the photos has a better amount exposure because it chooses for you and is usually the perfect amount. I also like being able to edit the photos after combining them to make the photo even better.

To create HDR image, you can take from 3-6 photos from very low exposure to very high exposure. Once you get these photos, you have to upload them to your computer. Next, you open adobe photoshop. When that opens, you click on "file", then "automate", and go to "merge to HDR pro". After that you hit "browse", find the photos in a folder, click "ok" and photoshop will merge the photos into one. Automatic HDR functions are HDR buttons, on certain cameras, and all you have to do is enable it or just turn it on. When you turn it on, the photo you take will automatically have a good amount of exposure and thats all there is too it. If there is an HDR button, it makes it a lot easier and you don't have to work at all to get a perfectly exposed photo.

My thought process when making an HDR photo is to make the coolest, most colorful and bold photo that makes people say "WOW that's a good photo".  I try and make the photo realistic but still edited to make the colors pop out more. I am so focused and deeply eying the photo making sure I do not enhance it too much or make it look too fake or overly edited. I am usually pretty calm because I enjoy doing it and I'm good so I can take my time. For this particular project I actually tried to make these photos very surreal.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Movie Trailer Critique

P1T2 Plane Ride Home from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

 This project was to create an entertaining movie trailer that was appropriate for first graders to watch. We created our project on an app called Final Cut Pro. We used all kinds of cool effects to make it as cool, creative, and as good as we could. My teammates were Sophia Rodriguez, Justice Chatfield, Maceo Cantu and I. Our plan document shows our synopsis, teammates, voice acting script, characters, setting, plot and purpose. This will basically show you everything about our story and how we contributed to the story. I personally contributed as one character in a scene, and I helped with some of the editing and foley.

The project required a 1min and a half to 2 min show, five scenes, voice acting, foley, dialogue, text-lay overs, effects, and a movie poster. This definitely sounds like a lot of work but we got it done good and to our surprise it was exactly one minute and thirty seconds. We did complete all of them however some could have been better if we had more time to work on it. I think the overall trailer came out pretty good. It was humorous and had a plot which our audience loved. In fact, our class voted our video number one to show the first graders.

The majority of the classes critique comments were saying how funny it was. They liked our transitions and most of all our settings. Using our editing skills on Final Cut Pro, we added our own backgrounds in the trailer to match our voice over and plot. I agrees with the critique results because it was a very humorous video and I think we did a great job on the editing part. I learned a lot more editing skills during this project and got more comfortable with Final Cut Pro. I think I could make a pretty good video on my own using the things I learned, if I had a subject.